Would you like some free math resources to use tomorrow?

Trig Function Values

Do you teach PreCalculus or AP Calculus? Have you ever felt bewildered when teaching or reviewing trigonometry? I know I have moments when I do, especially when my Calculus students forget the value of angles in the first Quadrant!

Really, people, who in the world was your PreCalculus teacher? Seriously?!! And, then they giggle…of course. IT WAS ME!

They had it mastered less than a year ago, but alas, the knowledge has vanished.  So here we are in the midst of first and second derivative tests, curve sketching, related rates and optimization.  Time for a little refresher, I think.

I’ve made a Trigonometry Variety Pack mini-bundle of my favorite practice and quiz items to help out.  I’ve even included some graphing, just in case you need that. You can see a preview of the product in my store: http://tinyurl.com/ntlanvg

Then, be sure to go read my “MATH BFF” Jennifer’s blog discovery about an online unit circle review with you IPAD or other device.  You don’t want to miss that fun. It’s really great:

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