Would you like some free math resources to use tomorrow?


How do you prepare your students for the capstone of secondary mathematics?


limits5When the stakes are high, with no time to squander, you must be ready. Each single lesson product comes with the following:

  1. A comprehensive set of Guided Notes for students
  2. A fully-editable SMART Board® presentation file
  3. A daily homework assignment
  4. A full solutions document for each item in the product

[NOTE: All of my Calculus products follow the standards set forth by College Board.® The lessons are presented with transcendental functions introduced early to provide students adequate practice all year long.]

UPDATES for the 2019-2020 school year will reflect the new topics, pacing and standards for the new AP Calculus CED Binder. 


Calculus can be so much fun when students are working cooperatively with their peers.  Mathematical communication is a key element to help your students grow in a deeper understanding of the concepts needed for success.
Scavenger Hunts
Station Activities
Sort and Match Cards
Reference Material
Target Practice
Digital Activities for 1:1 schools and so much more


Check out these bundle options for your Calculus planning needs:

Student Notes Only Bundles include two options of the daily lesson with the solutions for each lesson.

SmartBoard Only Bundles include the fully-editable SmartBoard Presentation and the complete solutions.  If you want a little more freedom in your planning and presentation, this is a time-saver.

Homework Only Bundles which include the Daily Quizzes and homework assignments for the entire unit of study.

card10Quiz-Review-Test Only Bundles will provide you with every cooperative activity created for the unit, two forms of a mid-unit quiz, an end-unit review assignment,

two forms of an end-unit assessment. Each review bundle will also include additional practice created to help students practice the rigor for the AP Exam.

Full Unit Bundle is the best value of all.  Get every item created for the bundle all in one download at 20% – 30% off retail price.


Every lesson in my Calculus product line is being upgraded in the 2016-2017 school year.  Watch for great AP-Style practice sets and multiple choice assessments coming your way.