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AP Precalculus Exam Review

Welcome to the exciting world of AP Precalculus! Throughout this year I know you have been navigating the curriculum, celebrating the small victories, both yours and your students. Each “AHA” moment and every successfully solved problem, has been a testament to your dedication and their hard work. Remember that the AP exam comin up this May 13th, is only a snapshot, not the whole picture. This year Flamingo Math has put together a single-page AP Precalculus Exam Review document that contains clickable links and QR Codes for content specific study tools and AP Unit Review Video links.

This rigorous course is about building a strong foundation, and your enthusiasm should be contagious through the end of the year. During the upcoming review period, be sure to focus on fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where your students will feel safe to ask questions as they review and recall all of concepts you have taught during the year. Your goal is to instill a deep understanding of the material, and that will ultimately lead to success.

In this year’s review package, you will find a recommendation for review topics to help those self-paced students, and many extra review materials they can print from home with the clickable links. Some new items like a TASK VERBS for FRQ’s Handout and a FREE RESPONSE TASK MODEL Requirements handout will be in your FREE download. Whether you have planned review days or students who prefer to work at their own pace, Flamingo Math is here to offer you extra support and ideas to share.

If you are new to the AP instructional work, trust in your preparation, believe in your students’ abilities, and know that you’re making a real difference. YOU’VE GOT THIS!